Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I finally got my photo of monks on a motorbike

I overheard these French guys in my hotel asking for a car to the airport. They said that they wouldn't pay more than $35 as that was the price their friends had paid. For $35 i could buy a tuk tuk and drive them to the airport myself.
I'm leaving here in about 30 minutes to go to the airport. My tuk tuk guy, $4 is coming to the end of the street to pick me up. The Cambodian prime minister lives across the street so the street is blocked off to traffic.
I met these Americans last night, a couple from San Francisco, we ended up sitting on my porch drinking red wine and talking shit for hours. We drank a lot of red wine. They are also lawyers, and also packed in their jobs to go travelling. He was in real estate law, but is going to switch to bankruptcy, we all agreed that that was probably a good move. Now i feel really hungover, but a strong cup of coffee with two sugars and a hamburger have made me feel a little better. I went into the city earlier to get some money, and said goodbye to the kids i had made friends with. i got a photo of some monks on a motorbike. Air Asia have a 15kg policy, so my carry on bag is full of books. i bought a big blanket kind of thing in Bali, it's really pretty, but also really heavy. I asked in my hotel about posting it home, they said it would never make it. So i have to carry it to Bangkok.
Okay so now i am at the airport, i noticed something weird. All the announcements are in English not Khmer. My tuk tuk driver drove like he was the reincarnation of Ayrton Senna, but we got here, also saw a motorcade that had lost whatever it was it was escorting and lots of Lexus, there are a lot of Lexus in Cambodia, I don't know what the plural of Lexus is, is it Lexi? But I bet their drivers are all drug dealers. Not the small time tuk tuk pot selling type, I mean the big time gun totting heroin smuggling types. I still have a terrible headache, and the couple in front of me at check-in kept stroking each other and kissing. I deliberately kicked my rucksack and nearly knocked over the girl.

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